Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20~

A couple of months ago, my youngest son decided that we needed to “start taking better care of ourselves”. Now you have to understand, my youngest son
is 24 years old, with Down Syndrome. He is the prime example of the “faith of a child”.

He will not eat until we have prayed for everyone, he makes a point of praying about every accident we see and dances to all of the Christian worship music playing.

So when he came to me and said we needed to be taking better care of ourselves I wondered where that had come from.

Later that week, I was talking to his Sunday School teacher and she mentioned that they were studying how the Holy Spirit lives in us. He took it to heart and quite literally.

We are by no means working to meet the world’s standards, but we are taking better care of His templeā€¦and loving it!!

Prayer: Father Almighty, help me to cherish how blessed I am to have the Holy Spirit dwell within me. Let me treat your temple with the love and respect
that is due.

Challenge: This week is yours to evaluate how you treat His temple. Are there things you could improve? Maybe you can share your thoughts on how you maintain His temple?